In the 1971 war, during "Operation Cactus Lilly", the sixth Sikh occupied 13 km of the area along the heights above Poonch covering two strategic points, the loss of which would have directly threatened Poonch. Col Panjab Singh, then a Major, was commanding a company deployed at Tund which had been actually limited to a platoon with the company headquarter.
It said the enemy attacked the position with more than a battalion on December 3, 1971, supported by artillery and mortar fire. The fierce soldiers of the sixth Sikh under the command of Col Singh fought classical defensive battle for the next 72 hours.
"Col Singh with complete disregard for his safety moved from trench to trench and ensured that all weapons under his command engaged the assaulting force till the attacking force retreated leaving behind their dead and weapons"
It said the enemy attacked the position nine times over two nights which were similarly foiled. For this brave act, he was awarded the prestigious Vir Chakra, the third highest war-time gallantry award, on December 24, 1971.
The poet dedicates this poem to the brave who died post Covid complication at age of 79 in May 2021. The spirit shall inspire generations to come.

इन आँखों ने देखे हैं ख्वाब बहुत
बनाए हैं मंसूबे कई
इस जन्नत के वास्ते |
सफर का आगाज है कर दिया
अब निकल चले हैं कदम भी
इस जन्नत के वास्ते |
माना है दूर मंजिल अभी
मुश्किलों से तारुफ होगा कई
इस जन्नत के वास्ते |
ख्वाब कुछ हकिकत है हुए
कईयों के बन रहे रास्ते
इस जन्नत के वास्ते |
कोशिशों पर हमारी
नियमत है खुदा की
हम थक कर भि रुकेंगे नहीं
इस जन्नत के वास्ते |