Kashmiris are used to seeing a large number of soldiers in the UT. Be it the frontier districts or the hinterland, the Armed Forces have helped preserve Indian democracy by their strict neutrality to the political scene. The conflicts of 1947, 1965, and 1999 are a testimony to the courageous actions beyond the call of duty by the armed forces to preserve the sovereignty of this great nation. Today the armed forces are a symbol of national integrity and selfless service to the nation. Recently, the strong developing connection between the Kashmiri Youth and the Indian Army has come to light. The ever-dynamic youth which wants to make the UT a better place, connects well with the Indian Army which acts as the ‘’Sentinels of Kashmir’’.
People have realized that the psychological game being played by the Western adversary for its vested interest has affected the Youth of Kashmir very badly and hence they have started coming into the mainstream rather than picking up arms. This can be seen clearly from the various camps and activities being conducted by the Indian Army where students came out to attend in huge numbers. In very recent initiatives conducted by the Indian Army, many girls contrary to the popular belief of the Kashmiri society have started attending and participating in various activities. The youth have started idealizing the Army as a medium of modernization.
The Indian Army has started interacting on a more frequent basis with the youth, keeping up the motto of “Aman aur Awam; Yahi hai Mukam”. There are many things that the Army sponsors for the youth, including sports kits, books for higher education, the conduct of lectures, organizing sports/educational activities and camps at various levels, awareness visits to various places, sponsoring higher education, etc. Other than activities and camps, the Army also organizes workshops where proper training is imparted to the youth for a specific kind of vocation or skill. As of date, we can say that the initiative taken by the Indian Army to channelize the creative energy of the youth of Kashmir is paying rich dividends and all sections of society are being benefited with the new look of the youth which has rejuvenated the society.
Let us hope for a better and prosperous tomorrow...